Shine Speech & Drama at King’s School
2025 registrations are open now
There are various classes during and after school hours. Please call Nina on 021-160 9197 to discuss options.
Students not attending King's are welcome in Shine after school classes. Please use the After School in Remuera enrollment page by clicking the orange text above
Students wishing to enrol for Saturday lessons held at King’s School, please enrol on the Saturday link here
To enrol:
1. Click on the button below
2. Select group or pair lessons from the drop down list. Group lessons of 4 students are $295 per term,
group lessons of 3 students is $360 per term and pair lessons are $380 per term
3. Complete the "Student Name" and "class" fields.
4. Click "Add to cart", go to your cart and check-out
thank you and Shine oN
King's School - 258 Remuera Road, Remuera, Auckland 1050